WEEK 1 JULY 7-10, 2014
Urban Latino with Ana Maria Alvarez
Urban Latino Practices with Ana Maria Alvarez
JULY 7-10, 2014 | MTWR | 10:30AM–12:20PM
Requirements: Must be enrolled in Modern I/II and Ballet I/II. Limit: 20 participants
The Dance Center, Theater @ 1306 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago IL 60605
Tuition: Included in Full Summer Dance Intensive Package for credit-seeking students.
Not open to community students.
Urban-Latin@ Dance Styles Workshop Led By Ana Maria Alvarez
JULY 7-10, 2014 | MTWR | 1:00pm–4:00pm
The Dance Center, Room 300 @ 1306 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago IL 6060
CONTRA-TIEMPO Artistic Director, Ana Maria Alvarez, of will share the company’s unique signature dance form: Urban Latin Dance, which is based on principals of Salsa fused with urban street styles such as hip-hop, Afro-Cuban dances rooted in the African Diaspora, and contemporary dance fundamentals. The workshop will feature principles of leading and following, improvising in pairs, groups, and small learning communities. Pulling from the Rueda (Cuban Salsa) participants will work around concepts of 'compassionate partnering' and movement metaphor. This workshop is designed to engage and push participants to explore new ideas about moving, partnering, improvising and working as community. Participants will leave feeling inspired, productive, engaged, communicating better and with barriers broken down! Participants should wear comfortable clothing and be warmed-up.
Requirements: Must be enrolled in Modern I/II. Limit: 20 participants
Tuition: $250 (Community Students); Included (Credit-Seeking Students)
>Community Students: Register here.
ANA MARIA ALVAREZ (Artistic Director, Choreographer and Dancer) After receiving a BA in Dance and Politics from Oberlin College, Alvarez moved to New York where she became the Dance Specialist at The Center for Family Life in Brooklyn. There she taught, danced and choreographed for several years, before moving to Los Angeles in 2002. Alvarez received her MFA in Choreography from UCLA's Department of World Arts and Cultures, where she currently teaches. Alvarez collaborated with teachers and researchers to create a dance program at UCLA's Lab Elementary School, which became the foundation for CONTRA-TIEMPO's arts education program. CONTRA-TIEMPO is currently partnering with many schools throughout Southern California, integrating dance in their educational curriculum. Alvarez has received numerous awards and recognition from the arts world and beyond, including Brooklyn Arts Exchange's Artist in Progress Award and from The Association of Performing Arts Presenters Emerging Leaders Institute, The Los Angeles City Council of District 11, The Durfee Foundation, The Flourish Foundation, Festival Internacional de Teatro de Los Angeles' (FITLA) and Instituto de Cultura de Puerto Rico, among others. Recognized as a "Rising star of the dance world" (Backstage NY 2002), Alvarez is inspired to continue to develop and share her artistic vision with the world through CONTRA-TIEMPO's dynamic work.