BATTLES:SS3 Post-Butoh Festival Performances

Event Type
Event Description



Friction when entitites disagree, collide, or conflict

When faced with a battle, what are our options? Resolution? Rebuke,? Revenge? Part of the Battles:SS3 Post-Butoh Festival, each performance will feature artists exploring the concept of "battles"...  

Battle #1: Ground Work
April 8, Doors Open at 7pm

No Nation Gallery, 1452 N. Milwaukee Ave.

feat. Mari Osanai | Jessica Mae | Carole McCurdy | Wannapa P-Eubanks |  Efrén Arcoiris

Battle #2: Weaponize
April 15, Doors Open at 7pm

The Learning Machine, 3145 S Morgan St.

feat. Paul Michael Henry | Antibody Corporation | Jon Poindexter | Cristal Sabbagh |  Alba Soto | Peter Redgrave & Kristian Weeks | Stephanie Lupu

Reparations / co-curated with In/habit roving art series
April 22, Doors open at 7:00pm

High Concept Labs, 2233 S. Throop, Pilsen

feat. Darling SquireJenn FreemanEryka Dellenbach, //interference (Sara Goodman / Beatrice VS), Aurora Tabar / Bill Skaleski / Duncan Reilly
Videos by Hereaclitus, Carole McCurdy, Connie Noyes, Vincent Chevalier, Rami George, Mitsu Salmon, Nabeela Vega

Battle #3: Spoils & Return
April 29, Doors Open at 7pm

Japanese Culture Center, 1606 W. Belmont Ave.
feat. Ken Mai | Holly Chernobyl | Kiam Marcelo Junio | Allen Turner

RSVPs helpful ❤ Space is limited. Donations are appreciated, not required.

For more information on Battles:Ss3 Post-Butoh Festival workshops and performances visit
Dance Styles
Traditional/Indigenous Dance


Butoh Chicago

1474 N Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, IL 60647
(503) 317-4501