Poonie's Cabaret

Organization Type

Poonie’s Cabaret is Links Hall’s venue for improvisation and works-in-progress. Featuring artists working in many different creative realms - dance, music, improvisation, puppetry, performance art, theatre, voguing, freestyle rapping, drag, burlesque, cheerleading, stand-up comedy, etc. Poonie’s Cabaret was created by Selene Carter and is named in loving memory for Poonie Dodson, a much-loved Chicago dancer/choreographer who died of AIDS in the early 90s. Audience members are asked for a $5 donation. Proceeds from the cabaret go to the Links Hall Duncan Erley Coming Out of the Closet Fund, which is periodically awarded to artists whose work explores the realms of healing, gay activism, and spiritual and sexual transformation. www.linkshall.org *Poonie's Cabaret is also on Facebook.

*Proceeds benefit the Links Hall Duncan Erley Coming Out of the Closet Fund for artists whose work explores the realms of healing, gay activism, and spiritual and sexual transformation.



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