Inspired by the original Italian tale of 1883, this much-loved fairy tale follows the mischievous and charming wooden puppet, Pinocchio, the most translated book in the world, as he pursues his dream of being a real boy. We accompany him as he learns the life-lessons that make one real. A&A welcomes dancers from ages six to twenty-four to audition for various roles, which will take place at Chicago’s Studebaker Theatre (410 S. Michigan Ave) May 16, 2020 for two performances.
Audition attire: Girls: black camisole leotard, pink footed tights, pink canvas ballet and pointe shoes (age/level appropriate); Boys: black-footed tights, white tight fitted t-shirt, black ballet shoes. The audition will include dance movement and combinations to be performed in character. No preparation of audition material is necessary. Dancers will be notified via email within the week after the audition if they have been cast. A production fee will be required for dancers performing and varies depending on role. Rehearsals begin on February 15 (for most of the parts) and will take place primarily on Saturdays at the A&A BALLET Center for Dance. A pre-registration form may be downloaded at