UPDATE: The new seechicagodance.com will launch March 31st. Click here to learn more.
AUDITION for Hedwig Dances!
Hedwig Dances seeks 1-2 male-identifying dancer(s) with a strong artistic voice for a paid performance contract (late summer 2024- spring 2025).
Sunday, July 14, 2024
Ruth Page Center for the Arts (1016 N. Dearborn)
Please bring a printed copy of your resume and headshot
RSVP to contact@hedwigdances.com to reserve your place.
Meetings with potential candidates will be scheduled after the audition.
Must be available for weekly rehearsals Mondays and Wednesdays 9:30am-2pm and Thursdays 12:30-4pm at Ruth Page Center beginning in late July. Dancers may occasionally be called for additional rehearsal hours based on seasonal performance schedule.
Seeking male-identifying dancers with strong contemporary and improvisation technique and multi-year professional performance experience. Hedwig Dances is known for its experimental, process-driven approach to dancemaking using objects, props, and theatrical elements; interested dancers must be able to work in and contribute to this highly creative and collaborative rehearsal environment. Experience with contemporary partnering, contact improvisation, low-fly technique, and contemporary floorwork is highly desired.
Please note, dancers must audition in-person.
International dancers must provide evidence of the ability to work in the US.
Pictured: "K@02" by Rigo Saura
Photo by Peter Hinsdale