UPDATE: The new seechicagodance.com will launch March 31st. Click here to learn more.
Chicago SummerDance Celebration - Cloud Gate
Blanca Aviles of Latin Rhythms Salsa Footwork and Partner Work
Cloud Gate Plaza
Blanca Aviles of Latin Rhythms will teach a Latin dance workshop focusing on salsa footwork and partner work. The workshop will culminate with social dancing to the rhythm of the music. All levels welcome.
Fre2Dance Urban Line Dancing
Cloud Gate Plaza
May I Have This Dance “The Most Versatile Dancer Contest”®
Cloud Gate Plaza
May I Have this Dance hosts “The Most Versatile Dancer Contest” ® competition – an amateur dance contest that tests who knows how to dance in a variety of styles. To stay alive, couples must dance to a 20 to 30 second song clip in whatever style is announced by the emcee, showing at least 3 basic steps, the correct timing and clear knowledge of each dance style. The winner is the last couple not tapped out.
WBEZ's Curious City Workshop
Cloud Gate Plaza