Contemporary with Kara Brody

Event Type
Event Description

Kara teaches a contemporary based class that investigates a variety of movement sequences that explore efficiency in momentum and off-centeredness. We'll research ways of how to achieve and maintain a sense of ease to physically demanding material. Starting on the floor, we will be leveraging | spiraling | propelling | sliding our bodies  as we focus on limiting excessive muscular effort and allow the skeletal structure to guide us through the space. The class will progress to a vertical place where we will begin to experiment with disorienting the body's sense of direction, finding moments of inversion | falling to redirect in more locomotive patterns.

This class is suited for int/advanced level movers.

Running Time
1 hour
Dance Styles
Modern / Contemporary


Lucky Plush Productions

3825 N. Bell Ave.
Chicago, IL 60618
(773) 862-9484