UPDATE: The new seechicagodance.com will launch March 31st. Click here to learn more.
Daylab: Dance With Us!
DayLab, DanceWorks Chicago’s version of a One-Day Workshop, is open to dancers 15+ working at an advanced/professional level. Join us for DayLab and immerse yourself in a welcoming environment geared to addressing your body, mind, and spirit! Discover and share inspiration through training, artistic exploration, and connection with your peers!
SCHEDULE (all times Central):
10:30am-noon: Ballet with DWC Artistic Director Julie Nakagawa
12:15pm-2pm, Contemporary Swirls and DWC rep led by Guest Choreographer Joshua Manculich!
2pm-2:30pm, Tell-It-Like-It-Is Session with Julie, dancers, and Dance360 Program Director Sara Bibik
Join us for a DayLab and exercise your muscles of courage, creativity, and curiosity!
Thinking about summer plans? Use this DayLab as an audition for Dance360 Summer 2022 programming. Create your own adventure: July 18-August 13.
Three words to describe your Dance360 experience (from Dance360 Summer 2021 Dancers):
Fulfilling, refreshing, inspiring
Enlightening, playful, loving
Meaningful, transformative, significant
ALL-INCLUSIVE FEE: $85 (DayLab, Audition, Service Fees) … EASY!
Participate with confiDANCE!
ALL members of Team DWC are fully vaccinated.
Proof of vaccination is required from each Dance360 dancer as part of the registration process.