Follow the evolution of music and movement from the dawn of time to humanity's future told through tap dance, body percussion, and live musical accompaniment. EVOLUTION presents a wide range of works: a cappella improvography that employs a number of musical compositional devices; playing with movement in circles, dimensions, on the ground - moving in different levels; choreography set to sounds of the rainforest (for real!); a work playing with the idea of sound and what it is like to hear for the first time - based on the experience of the choreographer's fiancee, who was born deaf and then had a surgery that gave him the ability to hear. Also, watch for surprise guest dancers and a few repertory favorites. jorsTAP chicago's fifth installment, EVOLUTION, is directed and choreographed by tap dancer Kendra Jorstad with additional creative input from fellow hoofer, Tristan Bruns. jorsTAP: EVOLUTION proves jorsTAP chicago's continuing trend of professional and artistic growth
DC 2014 New Moves 'J' - jorsTAP: EVOLUTION
Event Type
Event Description
Dance Styles
Tap / Rhythm