UPDATE: The new seechicagodance.com will launch March 31st. Click here to learn more.
Open-Call Auditions!
Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble is hosting an OPEN-CALL Audition, Wednesday, August 30th, 2017 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at 1650 W. Foster, Chicago. CDE is searching for directors, choreographers, performers or all of the above to take part in their Danztheatre Playwright Festival set for October!
This is a kick-off to CDE’s 17th Season!
CDE’s Danztheatre Playwright Festival, will present works by local playwrights wishing to devise in a danztheatre-style. The audition on August 30th is to help those playwrights find the right individuals to bring their works to the stage.
Be prepared to move, read lines and participate in devising exercises.
To reserve your place, please submit the following items to info@danztheatre.org:
Answers to the following questions:
a) Briefly describe yourself (as an artist and as a person)
b) Briefly describe any artistic experiences you find relevant to this process
c) What role would you like to play in the process? (*This helps us to better utilize our time at the Audition.)
d) Availability
e) Why do you want to participate in this festival?
Important Dates (*Rehearsals schedules TBD upon selection)
Tech rehearsals:
Sunday, October 15; 5-10pm
Tuesday October 17; 6-11pm
Wednesday October 18; 6-11pm
*Not all casts will be called on each evening
No Scheduled Dress rehearsal
Performance Dates:
October 20, 21, 27, 28
Call for Performers 7:00pm
Performance begins 8:00pm.
Each play will receive 2 or 4 Performances.
Performance Venue:
Chicago Danztheatre Ensemble Auditorium
Ebenezer Lutheran Church
1650 W. Foster Ave.
Chicago, IL
This space is not handicapped accessible.