UPDATE: The new seechicagodance.com will launch March 31st. Click here to learn more.
Open Company Class
And…we’re back! Open company classes led by Artistic Director Julie Nakagawa and guest artists are held in the spacious Larry Long Studio in our home at the Ruth Page Center for the Arts, 1016 North Dearborn, between Maple and Oak. The RPC is accessible by public transportation: Brown Line (Chicago station), Red Line (Chicago or Clark/Division station), bus lines #22, 36, 70. Street parking is available.
Monday, June 14: Charissa-Lee Barton contemporary/modern/jazz!
Tuesday, June 15: Julie Nakagawa ballet
Wednesday, June 16: Julie Nakagawa ballet
Thursday, June 17: Jessica Tong ballet
DanceWorks Chicago is excited to take steps for a gradual return to Open Company Classes. We’ve missed YOU! Let’s work together on a safe return for everyBODY:
Dancers, please register and pay for classes in advance so studio occupancy guidelines can be respected. Space is limited.
Current class size: 15 dancers (including DanceWorks Chicago dancers!) A waiting list will be maintained for each class.
Class fee: $12 (same wallet-friendly rate, non-refundable)
Register, pay, and save your spot!
Everyone entering the Ruth Page Center is asked to comply by “house rules”, which have been crafted with current CDC guidance and in compliance with state and city requirements. Procedures are subject to change. RPC policies include:
Temperature checks upon entry
Masks to be worn at all times, unless actively eating/drinking
Water fountains are available for filling bottles only
Spatial awareness, physical distancing is required in studios, hallways, etc.
Hand sanitizer is available…please help yourself!
Personal responsibility to clean your barre space before/after use is requested. Cleaning supplies are available in the studio.
Dressing rooms remain closed. Please keep your belongings with you.
Common sense and common courtesy, are, as always, requested and appreciated.
Let’s DANCE!