SET FREE supports the progression of creative work through performance.
In recognizing that public performance can deliver different discoveries than those found in the studio, SET FREE creates the possibility for one’s studio and performance practices to be interwoven and informing one another as an artist’s project progresses over time.
A SET FREE residency at Links Hall includes five Monday evening showings shared amongst four artists each receiving 25 minutes per evening to repeat and revisit the development of their work. The series ends with one final weekend performance split amongst all four artists involved.
It’s structure aspires to increase influence and overlapping appreciation among emerging and experienced artists working within the structures of SET composition and FREE improvisation and includes performance in the creation of one’s work to promote the process of understanding one’s practice to be in and of itself the final destination.
The four artists participating in this new series are Peter Carpenter, Lisa Gonzales, Jessica Marasa and Ysaye McKeever.
Tea and light snacks will be served at each performance.
Under a Different Heading by Peter Carpenter
Peter Carpenter will develop a new work titled Under a Different Heading. This work will mark a return to considerations of queerness and identity construction from earlier in his career. While exploring formal concerns of representation and frame, Under a Different Heading will also look to the categories and assumptions that construct our social realities.
so softly here by Lisa Gonzales
so softly here will become a series of experiments that allow me to investigate my interest in “the emerging” as a state of both being and becoming. Movement, objects, images, and the relationships between, will challenge the work to ever define itself in the constantly shifting present, while also seeking to establish a ground on which to stand. How meaning emerges in these investigations is a primary concern.
Woodpecker by Jessica Marasa
Woodpecker digs into matters of the heart; specifically circulation and the repetitive cycle of giving and receiving. Dancer Jessica Marasa and drummer Ryan Packard venture to share the precise rate of their heart rhythm and uncover ways to sustain connection to it and each other. Sourcing the blood in their bodies, the whirling poems of Rumi and the behavioral patterns of woodpeckers, Marasa and Packard commit to asking the other what is the pace of your pulse? Can you follow the flow freely?
SouthSide SailorScouts by Ysaye McKeaver
SouthSide SailorScouts is a collaborative dance theater work celebrating the fierce and fabulous alter egos of its creators. Blending our influences from Selena, Beyoncé, Sailor Moon and more, the performance incorporates dance, song and storytelling from a woman of color perspective.