Event Type
Event Description
Summer Dance Community Convening
direction tour marketing + promotion
Thursday, July 26
Convening 3:00pm-4:30pm
Networking 4:30-5:00pm (light snacks and drinks provided)
Join us at the American Rhythm Center, Studio B
410 S Michigan Ave, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60605
Grab some nachos and a beer (or wine) and engage in discussions, hear industry news, and more!
- Learn how your fall performance can be included in our NEW member highlight video
- Hear updates on our SummerDance Village, including marketing opportunities
- Be the first to hear an announcement about a NEW and exciting partnership with directions tour marketing + promotion, with a presentation by Micah Taylor
- Interested in fiscal sponsorship? We are excited to announce a new partnership with Pentacle. Attend the convening and be among the first to hear about this new offering and how to apply!