Only gods can live in endless bliss.
Tannhäuser, minstrel and renegade, is lured into the erotic realm of the love goddess Venus. There he luxuriates in lust and a host of sinful pleasures. But finally it's all too much. He longs to return home, and does — to friends, rules of Christian conduct, and most of all, to Elisabeth, the warm but chaste young woman who loves him, despite the grief he's caused. Desperate for absolution, Tannhäuser joins his fellow pilgrims, journeying to Rome to ask forgiveness for his sins. But once you've been to the Venusberg, you can never truly leave.
Sir Andrew Davis is on the podium for this monumental vocal, choral, and orchestral event.
Savor the famous overture, the frenzied bacchanal with its sexy ballet, the sublime "Song to the Evening Star," the stirring "Pilgrims' Chorus," and more, in a remarkable work that transfixes audiences with both its sensuality and its majestic power.
Special Offer! Use promo code DANCE and save 20% on any remaining performance of Tannhäuser.
Lyric Opera presentation generously made possible by an Anonymous Donor and theNIB Foundation with additional support by Marion A. Cameron.