Trip the Light Fantastic: The Making of SuperStrip

Event Type
Event Description

“A piece of tremendous humor, humanity, and smartness” Newcity

Lucky Plush returns to the Dance Center with its signature blend of nuanced dialogue, complex choreography and off-the-cuff improvisation. SuperStrip follows a group of washed-up superheroes attempting to reinvent themselves by starting a nonprofit think tank for do-gooders. Complex training missions and specialized movement techniques bring structure to their collective, but the unlikely supers are unable to find a shared mission and brand. In the struggle to achieve consensus, they discover that real-world problems are far more complex than singular forces of evil, and having power is part of the problem.

Dance Styles
Musical Theater
Modern / Contemporary


The Dance Center of Columbia College Chicago

1306 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60605
(312) 369-8330