SpinOff Series:: blue fish III - reveal - by Ayako Kato/Art Union Humanscape & To Be Two by Megan Young | MegLouise

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Event Type
Event Description

In this split bill, two artists present works-in-progress at a special evening on the closed-door stage of the Jay Pritzker Pavilion. With the help of the audience, Ayako Kato performs bluefish part III –reveal-, tracing the eroding, yet transformative relationship between humans and nature. Megan Young | MegLouise considers the boundaries and binaries of intimate relationships in To Be Two, and immersive movement experience constructed by the audience with the performer. Reservations are not necessary for this event.

For seating, please enter on the west side of the Jay Pritzker Pavilion, 1 block south of Randolph Street. Entrance is at street level. Staff and signs will guide you.

For more information, visit www.artunionhumanscape.net and www.meglouise.info

Dance Styles
Modern / Contemporary


Jay Pritzker Pavilion

55 N. Michigan Ave, Millenium Park
Chicago, IL