The Co-MISSION Fellowship Showcase offers two weekends of split bill showings by the two artists awarded the Co-MISSION Fellowship by Links Hall's Programing committee. This year's showcase features our 2019 Fellowship Artists - Silvita Diaz Brown | “Legendas y Realidades” (June 21 & 23; June 27 & 29) and Meida Teresa McNeal | “Fifth City revisited/Imaginal Politics embodied” (June 20 & 22; June 28 & 30)- who have been awarded 6 months of dollar, space, and development support by Links Hall.
Silvita Diaz Brown
English description: Silvita explains, "The research for my Links Hall Fellowship is to delve into my heritage through Mexican mythology and its teachings to create a new dance work: Leyendas y Realidades. Leyendas y Realidades will celebrate my Mexican heritage, my adopted country and awaken insights about gender equality, female strength and social justice through myths translated into movement, sound, and costume. The work will develop as dance vignettes capturing the essence of the myths to manifest current matters in our system but with a touch of mysticism and Mexican folklore."
En Espanol: Leyendas y Realidades adopta la danza para recrear imágenes de los Aztecas, los Mayas, la historia colonial, y la Revolución Mejicana; contextualizándolas desde una perspectiva contemporánea, feminista y Méjico-Americana. Este proyecto incorpora danza con música, teatro, comunicación audiovisual (proyección de video), Performance, Diseño (vestuario y maquillaje) para proporcionar el ambiente, emociones y texturas adecuadas y necesarias que dan vida a los personajes históricos y místicos.