"Breaking Ice" brings together Fused Muse Ensemble with collaborative artists Winifred Haun & Dancers, Dancer/Choreographer Matthew McMunn, Video Artist Jessica Segall, and University of Chicago Physicists Ivo Peters and Qin Xu, to create an evening of cutting edge music, dance, and video that explores themes of water, ice, our rising oceans, and the fragility of nature.
All concert proceeds will be donated to the ensemble’s 2014 beneficiary, the Awassa Children’s Project. ACP is an Illinois NPO which provides funding for an orphanage in Awassa, Ethiopia. The orphanage has an environmental mission to plant trees, dig fresh water wells, and is powered entirely through solar panels.
Program to Include:
Breaking Ice for live cello, electronics, and video
Iddo Aharony (composer), Sophie Webber (cello, co-composer), Jessica Segall (video), Ivo Peters and Qin Xu (physicists)
This new composition (to be world premiered by FME) is partly precomposed and partly improvised. It involves a house made of ice, its beauty and destruction, sounds from actual glaciers melting and fracturing, and a very high frame rate). The work was made possible in part due to a University of Chicago Arts-Science Initiative Grant, as well as an Artist Residency at Brush Creek Ranch, Wyoming.
Bike again for dulcimer, percussion, video, bikes, and dancer.
Joel Styzens (composer, dulcimer, percussion), Matthew McMunn (dancer/choreographer), The Recyclery (bikes and additional dancers), Alireza Ghoreishi (video)
This more lighthearted work in collaboration with The Recyclery integrates synchronized biking with dance and minimalist newly-composed music.
Trees + Radios for soprano, piano, radios, and dancer.
Henriet Fourie (soprano), Jeeyoon Kim (piano), Matthew McMunn (dancer/choregrapher)
Soprano and dancer contemplate the often dissonant relationship between technology and nature to Handel’s aria, “Ombra Mai Fu” (from the opera, Xerxes).
Thirst for 8 dancers, cello, and piano.
Winifred Haun & Dancers (dance/choreography), Sophie Webber (cello), Jeeyoon Kim (piano)
A music-dance reflection on the elusive states of water set to the first movement (Vivace ma non
troppo) of Brahms’ “Rain Sonata” Op.78 (transcribed for cello and piano).
Cold Air for 8 dancers, violin, and string quartet.
Winifred Haun & Dancers (dance/chreography), Dawn Gingrich (violin), Fused Muse Ensemble String Quartet
Vivaldi’s “Winter” (from his Four Seasons) meets dancing choreographed to capture the tremendous power of nature