Join See Chicago Dance for our Fall Dance Convening on Tuesday, September 14 from 4:00–5:00PM CT. After a successful Spring Convening, SCD wants to continue to connect members of the Chicago dance community by hosting a fun "speed-dating" inspired event. This convening is perfect for new community members, seasoned artists looking to grow their circle, or simply those in the Chicago dance field who want a low-stakes way to network from the comfort of their own home! The convening will begin with a brief intro and shift immediately into short speed-dating sessions in Zoom breakout rooms. SCD updates will be distributed via links you can access after the event concludes at 5:00PM.
Due to the nature of this event, RSVP's will close on September 10 at 12:00pm. Attendees will receive an email confirmation with the Zoom meeting ID and password upon registration.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! We want as many thoughts, ideas, and voices in these conversations as possible. Encourage your friends, colleagues, and peers (regardless of SCD membership status) to join the conversation on September 14.