UPDATE: The new seechicagodance.com will launch March 31st. Click here to learn more.
#GivingTuesday -Support Chicago Dance
This year, for the first time, See Chicago Dance is participating in #GivingTuesday, "a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.” As a service organization, we amplify, convene, produce, facilitate, and advocate for our dancing communities. See Chicago Dance needs your support to reach our goal of $25,000 by the end of the year.
Your donation helps us help Chicago dance in so many ways. For example:
$50 SCD member discount for online advertising
$100 fee to one Chicago Dance Month performer (We paid out $34,000 in 2023!)
$250 stipends for Screendance Club filmmaker and facilitator, per event
$500 partial stipend of a Dance for Camera mentor
$1,000 accessibility accommodations (ASL interpretation, CART captioning, audio description) at one live SCD event
$2,500 additional features on the new SCD website
$5,000 SeeChicagoDance.com's journalism program
$7,500 health insurance for two full-time SCD employees
$10,000 Waives membership fees
(Membership fees have been waived since 2020.)
$100,000 a new future-facing website with the capacity to better serve our 120,000 annual site users.
As we enter the season of giving and gratitude, we invite you to contribute to the beautiful diversity and dynamism of our work and that of our constituents. You help spread the power of dance in Chicago!
SCD Member Directory
Also, in the spirit of 'radical generosity', See Chicago Dance has gathered a list of Member organizations and artists seeking support during this season of charitable giving. We invite you to take a moment to become acquainted with the missions of these groups and lend your support! Click here to view participating organizations!