Creative Movement with Robin Davis is an introduction to movement and dance for children aged 4-6 years old. Through movement games and beginner dance skills, children learn self-confidence, self-discipline, and practice basic gross motor skills to improve balance and coordination. Students will also begin to learn to express themselves through movement by learning about movement dynamics and incorporating imaginative play into class. The goal for this class is for students to leave with improved confidence, new skill sets and a positive relationship with their body that will last a lifetime.
Classes are Fridays from 4pm - 4:45pm, September 20 - October 11, 2024.
This class may be subbed by another teacher. We encourage pre-registration and early purchases of drop-in classes, so that if a class has to be cancelled for health or safety concerns, the teacher can let you know by email. If you are doing a last-minute drop-in class and want to be assured there is no unexpected last-minute cancellation, you can let the teacher know you plan to attend ( If we have to cancel a class, we will schedule a make up class at the end of the series.