The decadent storytelling of Nejla Yatkin “Ouroboros” at Links Hall


When I hear the word Ouroboros, I imagine myself at the beach. Rotating in the breeze as I carve endless circles in the sand with a stick or my finger. Listening to waves return and go endlessly.

Ouroboros, a word that commands the entire mouth, is an ancient Greek and Egyptian symbol of a serpent eating its own tail. Possessing a meaning as fluid and complex as its pronunciation, it is a fitting title for Nejla Yatkin’s latest theatrical solo performance premiering at Links Hall March 8-10.

“There Is Still Magic Here” creates a dreamscape of emotion


A trio of dancers hold long, luminescent rods of white light. The space feels cold and empty. Suddenly, it’s dark. One by one, as each rod turns back on, a trio of dancers are caught static in a forward moving pose, holding poles as walking sticks. It’s like we are driving down a road, and our headlights happen to flash upon sole wanderers in the night.

“First Draft” filled with promise, possibility and potential


Winifred Haun and Dancers First Draft on March 1st at Links Hall held space for many Chicago creatives to illustrate the bright future for their dances.

The work presented may be incomplete, or altered in the future, but has a beginning, middle, and end. The evening showcased a variety of modern, contemporary, praise, and west African dance.

“The Fight To Be Found” by choreographer Imani English opens with three dancers and a solo center stage. Elegant violins play over the speakers. Three more enter, all six wearing various shades of earthy brown flowy clothes.

Compañía Nacional de Danza and the universal language of movement


On Feb. 10th, Madrid-based Compañía Nacional de Danza (National Dance Company) made its Chicago debut at the Auditorium Theatre, showcasing a mesmerizing series of performances that explored the intricate layers of human existence. The carefully selected pieces presented the company's choreographic history while guiding the audience through an emotional journey of connection and loss. In an interview with See Chicago Dance, Artistic Director Joaquin De Luz and the company artists provided new insight into the work.


Award-winning Praize Productions, Inc. makes its grand return to the theater with Black Love Reigns Supreme! This multidisciplinary, theatrical production with a 90’s R&B vibe is an intimate adaptation of all that Black love encompasses. Creatively crafted as a love letter to “Black Love,” this production encourages the audience to explore love in all its definitions, compilations and complexities within the Black community.

An intriguingly relatable ‘Invitation’ to Links Hall


A quartet threaded in and out of one another as the audience took its seats in Links Hall Friday. Using contact improvisation in a stationary clump downstage, Jeanine Durning’s latest choreographic performance, “Invitation Situation,” shattered our formal introduction expectations by pressing play before spectators entered.   In, out, around and through, four women—Andee Scott, Mary Williford-Shade, Heidi Brewer and Clare Croft—negotiated the same space as a cloak of silence muted the room. Like a mother giving a stern glance to her child, the movement told us what time it was.

Muted - Identity Performing Arts Spring Concert

MUTED blends dissimilar experience of being - without a voice. A captivating concert with two dissimilar works in its dynamic.The program features the return of ENLIVEN, premiered fall 2023, highlighting energy in motion. This East/West fusion dance work will also be performed at the Seattle International Dance Festival (SIDF) this summer. In contrast with ENLIVEN, MUTED is a world premiere by Ginny Ching-Yin Lo that explores complexity of being muted, muting someone, and telepathic connection.

About Identity Performing Arts