aMID Festival

Event Type
Event Description

The aMID Festival celebrates the underserved performative body of the aging artist and challenges commonly held views regarding the age demographic of a dancer or physical performing artist. The festival accentuates the aesthetic shifts that come with a consistent art/movement practice, as well as those that accompany working with one’s body as it ages and changes. aMID Festival features choreographers confronting their shifting and declining corporeal ability to expose a different and/or alternative technical virtuosity coming from years of performance experience. Conversation and performances will take into consideration what virtuosity, especially as it applies to dance, looks like at different stages within a practice, and the differences between early and late styles within a long running choreographic career. aMID Festival presents work that expands assumptions of who performs dance, opening the aesthetic conversation to include the aging body.



Deborah Hay

Bebe Miller

Bob Eisen

Cynthia Oliver

K.J. Holmes

Smith/Wymore Disappearing Acts

Pranita Jain

Zephyr Dance

Dance Styles
Modern / Contemporary


Links Hall

3111 N. Western Ave. at Constellation
Chicago, IL 60618
(773) 281-0824