Bellow: Gathering, Claiming...robustly examines the intersections of identity, agency, and past existences that unshakably influence our present and future being. Audiences are invited to become part of this journey as they witness exquisite, yet jarring navigation of individualized and intersecting journeys. *This is Marceia Scruggs’ debut of her own choreography at Links Hall after first dancing here in 2018’s “Lather. Rinse. Repeat”. Noelle Awadallah performed in 2017’s THAWALLS at Navy Pier.
Artist Bios: Marceia L. Scruggs is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago (Spring 17), studying both Dance and Women’s/Gender Studies. Native of Chicago, Marceia holds great passion for creative art, performance, and sociopolitical storytelling. As an artist and movement researcher, she has studied under the great instruction of Kevin Iega Jeff, Gary Abbott, Dardi McGinley-Gallivan, Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, Darrell Jones, and Thomas DeFrantz among others. Currently, she dances alongside local choreographer, Keyierra Collins, Ground Rhythm Dance Project, and Red Clay Dance Company. Marceia too teaches dance instruction to children and teens of Chicago and its surrounding communities, advancing and nurturing their artistic voice. Creatively, she seeks to challenge impositions and altered images of black being and black womanhood. Marceia looks forward to continuous growth, teaching, and community building, and remains struck by thought-provoking, nail-clenching, raw art, especially those of the black women’s existence.
Noelle Awadallah is a Palestinian-American improviser and choreographer born in South Dakota. She graduated from Columbia College Chicago in spring 2018 with a BFA in Dance. Most of her work is based in Chicago and Minneapolis where she has worked with Paige Caldarella, Emma Draves, Bob Eisen, Stephanie L. Paul, Trae Turner, and closely with Ananya Dance Theatre researching the intersection of arts and activism. Her work revolves around the rediscovery of her people’s history through active research and the digging of memories that inhabit her bones through movement. She hopes to manifest a visceral sensation in the body through improvisational techniques in researching and making.
Company Bio: Catalyst Movmnt curates shows and spaces for movers and performers to present their work. We aim to present artists who desire to establish their voice on this bold and raw Earth. Based in Chicago, our communities crowd with burgeoning bodies that not only dream to be heard, but scream to show out. It's our stage; only we can make it lit.