UPDATE: The new seechicagodance.com will launch March 31st. Click here to learn more.
Hot Mess!
The years of physical distancing has revealed and amplified both the potency and challenges of creating in physical space, and we transition curiously into more of hybrid virtual reality.
For each set we invite a live in person audience and an online audience for about an hour. The first set is like a dress rehearsal, exposing the in-process moments of all of us showing up, and listening in to each other, as each artist brings their own material to share. The second set is our do-over, our next iteration, using experience gained from the first set, we change, transition, re-imagine. We make art together.
Hot Mess! is a psychedelic collage of sounds, images, text, motion, bodies, and concepts. Each set lasts an hour, the sound and shape determined by each particular group of artists. Individual artists bring their particular idea to perform somehow simultaneously with others, in both physical and virtual space. This working together flexes our interpersonal skill building while adapting to new tools, technology and experiences. Nueropathways growing.
Hot Mess! focuses on the moments of co-creation and gives the artists and the audience a play-space to meet each other across time, genre, cultures, perspective, experience... it demonstrates the power of working together in the unknown, possibilities for Queering space, and the beauty in transformation while making art!
Featuring Esteemed Artists (scroll for full bios):
Hiroko Tamano @tamanokoichi
Mallory Q @qiumallory
MzMr @humangalaxy
Riin Peisert @riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
Va-Bene Elikem K. Fiatsi @crazinist_artist
Cross Pollination with B74 Raum für Kunst,Switzerland. Video Hybrid Exhibition curated by Karyna Herrera and Zoe Darling, featuring Hot Mess! as a slumber party at the gallery and an artist talk on May 26, 2023. These exchanges will include German and English translation.
Explore a playlist of previous Hot Mess! videos HERE, or visit the Elastic Arts website.