Directed and Choreographed by Meghan Frederick
Conversation Moderated by Laura Paige Kyber
Meghan Frederick/Practice project is dedicated to the creation of a more empathetic world through developing understandings of embodied being. Venus at Home connects her immediate experiences of dance and motherhood- emphasizing both as repetitive choreographies of devotion at the limit of physical and mental capabilities. Venus at Home asks if dancing can also be a solo, invisible act, carried out in isolation as an act of survival; both an absurdist prayer practice and a selfie-performance for oneself and the screen.
This video contains nudity. Recording of any kind is prohibited.
Screendance Club is a radically casual watch-party and discussion of short dance films. Different from a typical talk-back, Screendance Club aims to create an environment of open conversation and exploration--with artists, filmmakers, and viewers on an equal footing. SCD writers curate and facilitate conversations on viewing and interpreting dance on screen and then write about the event. Read reflections about our Screendance Club events that took place in March and April (English and isiZulu), July, and August.