Thursday Somatics 5:30PM-6:30PM

Event Type
Event Description

This class, taught by Helen Lee & Chih-Hsien Lin, focuses on finding ease, support, and increased capacity in your body. If you are interested in exploring embodiment in a non-judgemental environment that centers connection, this class is for you.

Classes are Thursdays from 5:30pm - 6:30pm, September 19th - November 7th, 2024. Chih-Hsien will be teaching Sept 19th - Oct 10th and Helen Lee will be teaching Oct 17th - Nov 7th. Jonathan Meyer will be subbing on Sept 26th.


This class may be subbed by another teacher. We encourage pre-registration and early purchases of drop-in classes, so that if a class has to be cancelled for health or safety concerns, the teacher can let you know by email. If you are doing a last-minute drop-in class and want to be assured there is no unexpected last-minute cancellation, you can let the teacher know you plan to attend (Helen:, Chih-Hsien: If we have to cancel a class, we will schedule a make up class at the end of the series.


Running Time
1 hour
Dance Styles
Modern / Contemporary
Inclusive/Physically Integrated


Indian Boundary Park

2500 W. Lunt Ave.
Chicago, IL 60645
(773) 764-0338