UPDATE: The new seechicagodance.com will launch March 31st. Click here to learn more.
Darvin Dances
Upcoming Events
Darvin Dances is inspired by founder Mariah Eastman’s passion for bringing dance to the people. She believes that dance is for everyone and ticket prices shouldn’t stand in the way of helping the general public see dance. The name Darvin comes from her grandmother (Goldy Darvin) and is also Eastman’s middle name. Goldy Darvin loved taking Eastman to see plays and dance shows when she was younger and made sure to see her dance performances when she could.
We aim to bridge the gap between dance lovers and the dance curious: people who have yet to see themselves in the world of dance or think that it is not for them. We believe in creating works that are diverse in subject and location, relate to both those ingrained in dance culture and on the outskirts. We create to inspire and entice our audience to act: to see more shows, take a class, or talk about dance to their community
Our vision is to be a dance company known for breaking the barrier of dance culture and expanding the dance community to reach those who haven’t previously felt included or welcomed
Check out the Darvin Dances website: